


何年か前に『英語のお手本 そのままマネしたい「敬語」集』という本を手に入れて、いつも手元に置いています。同じ意味でも、より丁寧で品のある言い回しや表現ができるといいな、という思いです。瞬発力の求められる会話の場面では難しくても、せめて少々時間をかけることのできるメールでは、少しでも丁寧な英語を使えるようになりたいと思いつつ。




Kensuke Fujiyoshi artist statement

For me, making art is about filling in the gap between the world of reality that you see before your eyes and the world of fantasy inside your head.

I create because I want to create. I don’t create anything I don’t desire to. These desires come to me one after another. I think that the reason I exist is to create.

I’m always thinking about how I can make works that I find satisfying. Day by day, I constantly make small improvements; I imagine that I’ll never be able to create something that is perfect to me. This makes me want to keep creating all the more.

My creativity finds its source both in the familiar beauty of nature experienced in everyday life, and in the beauty possessed by traditional objects. To see, and feel, shape and colour. The primary experience of one’s own senses is everything.

For someone simply to tell me that they like my works is my greatest happiness. As for the message I’d like to convey through them. I leave that for each person receiving it to interpret. The message of each work is simply the feelings of the people who experience it.

If however, I do have one particular obsession, it is this; to use traditional techniques to express something new. There is meaning in continuing to create through the work of your own hands. Without excessive concern for originality, I use the techniques I have inherited to build my own form of expression.

Pottery is something fragile. But if handled carefully it can be last hundreds of years. My aim is to make things that will be loved a thousand years from now.




花祭窯(はなまつりがま)の内儀(おかみ)であり、Meet Me at Artを主宰するアートエデュケーターでもある、ふじゆり のブログです。